Did You Know

Sausages as a sin. Wow!

In 320 AD, because of their association with pagan festival, the Roman Emperor Constantinus I and the Catholic Church made sausages eating a sin and their consumption was banned! Therefore sausages went underground.

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Cappuccino isn't italian!

Cappuccino was known as “Kapuziner” back in the 1700s. It first appeared in Viennese coffee houses made as coffee with whipped cream, spices and sugar. The drink had a brown color similar to the robes worn by Capuchin friars in Vienna and this is where their name came from. The word 'Capuchin' literally means cowl or hood in Italian, and it was a name given to the Capuchin monks for their hooded robes.

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Oktoberfest is called October but starts in September!

For the first time Oktoberfest was held in 1810 during one week of October. Along with the years, it was extended with starting date in September, when the weather is warmer and more pleasing, in order to attract more visitors to stay longer and enjoy the beer.

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Wiener schnitzel is in fact “Milanese cutlet”. But how did Italians get this recipe?

In the Middle Ages, the Italians looked upon their neighbors in Byzantium (the later Constantinople, now Istanbul) with envy. In Constantinople people were coating meat with gold leaves in order to flaunt their wealth. The Italians copied this, but the church expressed her revolt against such wastefulness, so the gold coating became a shell of golden brown fried white breadcrumbs.

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About Heidi's

Heidi's fortune pub has just moved to the neighborhood! we are here to get you closer to Austrian coffee as well as German sausages and beer. Bratwurst, Kasekrainer, Kapuziner but also many more flavours would tickle your taste buds for sure.

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Tel: +1 (630) 822-0299
2341 W. North Ave, 60647 Chicago, Illinois, USA